I know, it's been a while again. I just hate posting when I don't have good news. This "cocktail" has been a disappointment to me. In ways, I feel worse than I did before. Let me tell you, there is nothing more frustrating than fighting with your own body. It probably doesn't help that I'm hopelessly stuck in my old ways. You know how the saying goes, "Old dog, new tricks, blah, blah, blah." Well, just call me Fido because I'm a slow learner.
After my stint of not eating last winter, I swore that if I could get my stomach working again I would only eat healthy foods. Yeah, that lasted a good month before the devilish temptations of fried foods and baked treats started calling my name. It's not my fault, I'm American. It's how we're programmed. Eat what's easy and delicious now and worry about the consequences later. News flash: That's a terrible way to live! Trust me, the consequences really suck!
Now, I'm not an extremist. I, in no way think all of my health problems have been caused by my terrible eating habits. However, I haven't helped my cause by filling my body with processed, preserved, pre-made foods for the past twenty-seven years. I'd like to put partial blame on society but most of it falls back on me. Let's start with society, because I already feel rotten enough! I realize we live in a fast-paced world, but our health should remain a priority. When did this happen anyways? When did we get so caught up in life that we started gobbling down grease soaked burgers that taste like cardboard just to save a couple minutes during our lunch break? When did we have to start choosing between twenty versions of the same grocery item, all claiming to be "natural" when the ingredient list proves otherwise? I'd like to get back to the basics. I'm sure my Great-Grandparents are doing some fist pumps and happy dances up in Heaven, saying "It's about damn time!"
So now I have to point the finger back at myself. I have a chronic illness that controls more of my life than I like to admit and yet I haven't been able to buckle down and eat healthy. I was an insanely picky eater when I was young. I'm sure my poor, beef-raising parents never expected to have a child who wrinkled her nose at almost every form of meat. But now I'm 27 and I suppose it's time to grow up. Enter, the Paleo Diet (or at least my altered version of it). The concept is simple: Eat like a caveman. Fruits, veggies, meats, and all those other God-given foods that are filled with nutrients! What a concept! Eating to live instead of the other way around!
This is going to be a battle for me. For POTS patients, standing and being in heat are two HUGE symptom inducing factors. So naturally, cooking is not something I've been a big fan of. But, I'm learning. Instead of cooking the meal all at once, I break it up throughout the day. For instance, sitting at the table and chopping veggies while my girls are napping so when it's time to cook supper I just toss them in. I also have to admit that I'm not going to be a good role model for Paleo Wannabe's. I live on a farm where our main crop is wheat. I'm pretty sure if I told my husband we could no longer have wheat products in our house, he would have a heart attack and I love him so I don't want that. I, however, am avoiding gluten because I've always known it's a problem food for me (though I don't have Celiac Disease) and I've just never had the self-discipline to do anything about it. I'm thinking I've finally hit my rock bottom! I know, it's about damn time!
Ok, this post got a little lengthy, but I'm making some big changes and finally, FINALLY taking control of the few things in my life that I can. Naturally, I wanted to share my epiphanies! As a side note, I am still taking the cocktail of meds and will be seeing my primary care doctor soon to discuss where to go from here. Dr. G. suggested seeing an Allergist/Immunologist and I think that's a terrific idea. I've been having some issues with my tongue being constantly swollen and it's probably time to finally have some real allergy testing done. I'll keep you posted. Oh and speaking of wheat, I'm attaching a photo I took of the sunset by one of our fields last night. My personal paradise!
"The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." - Psalms 18:2