Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hissy Fits and Meltdowns...

So last week I had a melt-down that would make a toddler's jaw drop. You would think I had dropped my lollipop in a sandbox or something. In reality, a nurse had called to tell me the seven vials of blood they had tested all came back normal. Only a chronically ill person could have a breakdown over good news.

I'm not even sure what tests they ran. Must be a sign that I'm officially tired of doctoring. I'm usually quite proactive. I do know they did the SED Rate test. It tests for inflammation and can indicate an autoimmune issue. The tears came because everyone (doctors included) knows I'm sick. It must be a part of human nature, but I have this insane need to have a name for what is happening to my poor body. I'm "sick" of being a medical mystery. That pun was totally intended! For once when someone asks what I have, I'd like to give a definite answer. I know I have POTS, but I also know there is something else going on. Something probably autoimmune related.

For now the search continues. My primary care doctor has prescribed a steroid that she would like me to try so I need to call my Doctor at Mayo and get his opinion on that. My primary doctor also referred me to a Rheumatologist but of course they can't see me until December so I wait!

OK, enough of that negativity! Let's talk about my improvements. I have been incredibly active lately. Just this weekend, I took my girls to a baby shower, parade, and barbecue. When I got home last night I had Gorilla arms (they were so weak and heavy it felt like my knuckles were dragging on the ground) and I had no energy but I'm living my life! Three cheers for that! 

I also feel like the Paleo Diet has helped. It's going to be a slow process and I didn't think it was making a huge difference in how I was feeling. Then, I had a moment of baked goods weakness and ate a bun. A delicious, moist, piece of heaven that quickly turned to hell! A half hour later, I had a headache, my heart was racing, and I was nauseous. Lesson learned... again. I'm a really slow learner! One of these days I might catch on. 

Another plus to the Paleo Diet is that I'm starting to love to cook! There is nothing more heart-warming than having my toddler say, "Mom, you're a good cooker!" My heart melted faster than Coconut Oil (my new favorite cooking ingredient) in a sizzling hot pan! It makes me happy to know that when my little girl moves out in sixteen years, she will actually miss her mom's cooking! That might be the only thing she misses of me, but at least it's something! Haha!

That's probably enough of my rambling for one day. I'll keep you updated on the steroids. Too bad they aren't the kind that will make me look like a supermodel. That would be a nice side effect! 

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps." - Proverbs 16:9 


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